Mad Peach Iced E-Juice by Snap Liquids
When it comes to iced tea flavors, no one has Snap Liquids beat. Known for their flawless replicas of classic bottled beverages, their flagship flavors combine the most aromatic tea leaves with the freshest, ripest fruits. And now, you can enjoy their flavors in combination with the cool breeze of pure menthol crystals, which takes the brand’s refreshing e-juices to a whole new level.
Mad Peach Iced is an extravagant flavor that remains balanced, smooth, and never cloying. It takes perfectly steeped, freshly chilled black tea, and infuses it with the exquisitely bright and bold nectars of tropical mangoes and Georgia peaches, bringing together a variety of flavor notes that each hit the palate in a unique way. Then comes the rush of cold menthol, which leaves you feeling restored and revitalized.
Fill your tank effortlessly with the wildly popular !