Monin Lemon Tea Syrup 1 Litre
Using only natural ingredients, Monin’s range of fruity tea syrups delivers mouth-filling aromatic flavours which are nature’s own. This intense fruit flavours packs a powerful fruity punch and marries perfectly with the naturally astringent, smoky taste of black tea to create authentic, refreshing iced teas.
Make time for Monin Teas!
Tasting Notes - Colour: Dark brown colour, infused tea colour.
Nose : balance tea smell
Attack : fruity, infused tea
Length in mouth : astringent
Directors Tip
"The new Monin Tea syrups range allows for amazing iced teas creations with a TRUE infused tea taste. They can be served either topped, on ice -with soda or still water- or flavoured. Customization can be done with Monin fruits, spices, or herbs syrups. The tea flavour is particularly magnified with ripe fruit, and the mix with Le Fruit de Monin is incredible. I recommend the combination of Monin Lemon Tea syrup with Le Fruit de Monin Passion fruit, fresh ginger and topped with ginger ale and soda water."
- Teas
- Cocktails
- Granitas