At the heart of this enchanting blend is the vibrant Roselle, imparting a rich ruby hue and a subtle tartness that plays perfectly with the natural sweetness of dried apples and diced strawberries. The succulent sweetness of dried grapes adds a luscious undertone, enhancing the overall fruity tea.
Whether enjoyed hot or over ice, our Strawberry Vanilla Tea promises a rejuvenating
experience that will transport you to a world of flavor, balance, and delight.
Tasting notes: Fruity, fresh, subtly sweet
Strainer: Yes
Sourced: Direct from the small farmer, organically grown. 95% of our teas are certified by the Rainforest Alliance.
Please Save our Climate: Please don’t throw the used tea leaves into the bin, they aid to good composting. Tea2you follows the 3R rule.